15:00: Sol: gl hf 0:16: Sol is ready! 0:16: Match Settings: Game mode: Team Deathmatch Timelimit: 15 minutes Overtime: 5 minutes Removed weapons: Removed powerups: quad invul ps powerscreen silencer rebreather envirosuit 'Vyrai' skin: male/grunt 'Moterys' skin: female/athena Weapon switch: normal Teleporter mode: normal Gameplay bugs: all gameplay bugs fixed 1v1 Respawn mode: avoid closest (bugged) 0:16: All players ready! Starting countdown (15 secs)... 0:15: mrt: hf 0:15: IsBjorn: hf 0:06: 5 0:05: 4 0:04: 3 0:03: 2 0:02: 1 15:01: Your join code for this match is 71984 15:01: Fight! 14:51: Player entered the game 14:48: Out of item: Machinegun 12:19: Sol was cut in half by IsBjorn's chaingun 10:54: Player timed out 10:54: Player disconnected 8:36: Out of item: Machinegun 8:32: IsBjorn was cut in half by Sol's chaingun 8:22: IsBjorn was cut in half by Sol's chaingun 8:14: Out of item: Machinegun 8:08: Out of item: Machinegun 7:57: Out of item: Machinegun 7:39: Out of item: Machinegun 7:19: Out of item: Machinegun 7:12: IsBjorn was cut in half by Sol's chaingun 7:05: IsBjorn almost dodged Sol's rocket 6:56: Out of item: Machinegun 6:33: Out of item: Machinegun 5:57: Out of item: Machinegun 5:48: Out of item: Machinegun 5:33: Out of item: Machinegun 5:13: Out of item: Machinegun 5:06: Out of item: Machinegun 4:32: Out of item: Machinegun 4:16: z: :) 3:36: Sol was blown away by IsBjorn's super shotgun 3:15: Sol was cut in half by IsBjorn's chaingun 2:00: Out of item: shotgun 1:23: Sol was cut in half by IsBjorn's chaingun 1:13: Out of item: railgun 1:04: Out of item: shotgun 1:00: 1 minute remaining. 0:53: Out of item: grenades 0:53: Out of item: grenade launcher 0:36: Out of item: shotgun 0:00: Scores are tied 4 - 4, adding 5 minutes overtime. 4:15: Sol was cut in half by IsBjorn's chaingun 3:36: Out of item: Machinegun 3:27: Sol was railed by IsBjorn 2:59: Sol: gg 2:57: IsBjorn: gg 2:56: Sol: ) 2:55: IsBjorn: :) 2:54: Sol left team 'Sol' 2:54: Match ended. 2:54: IsBjorn wins by forfeit! 0:00: Please report any bugs at www.opentdm.net. 15:00: myrmidon^: intense! 15:00: Sol: send screens? 15:00: detina: n1 15:00: Ceba: i have them 15:00: IsBjorn: nice 15:00: ne pizdi: good game guys 15:00: IsBjorn: gtg 15:00: Sol: ok nice) 15:00: Revo disconnected 15:00: IsBjorn: cya tmorrow 15:00: Sol: cya 15:00: mrt disconnected 15:00: IsBjorn disconnected 15:00: myrmidon^ disconnected 15:00: Keizer disconnected 15:00: Ceba disconnected 15:00: ne pizdi disconnected 15:00: kw4snY disconnected 15:00: detina: huya ti shparish) 15:00: z disconnected 15:00: detina: a ya proebal mirmidony 15:00: detina joined team 'Vyrai' 15:00: detina became captain of 'Vyrai' 15:00: Sol: ( 15:00: detina: ) 15:00: Sol: kak tebe rail? 15:00: Sol: na dm1? 15:00: Sol: lol 15:00: Sol: v lifte 15:00: detina: blin nado vspomnit') 15:00: Sol: ) 15:00: detina: kak ti pomnish vse) 15:00: Sol: ya stoyal 15:00: detina: ya cherez minutu zabivau 15:00: Sol: smotrel na vihod iz megaroom 15:00: Sol: on upal v lift 15:00: detina: aaa 15:00: Sol: ya rivkom tuda strelnul 15:00: detina: da 15:00: detina: ya napisal 15:00: detina: wow 15:00: Sol: )))) 15:00: detina: ) 15:00: Sol joined team 'Moterys' 15:00: Sol became captain of 'Moterys' 15:00: You are the captain of 'Moterys' 15:00: Sol: blin 15:00: Sol: kak proigral 15:00: Sol: kapec 15:00: Sol: ) 15:00: Sol was railed by detina 15:00: Sol: s ssg slovil ego 15:00: Sol: i ne ubil 15:00: Sol: videl? 15:00: Sol: ne to chto slovil 15:00: Sol: a silno popal 15:00: Sol: i on ubegal 15:00: detina: da 15:00: detina: paru igr? 15:00: Sol: mne hva navernoe 15:00: detina: ok 15:00: Sol: silno proigral? 15:00: detina: zbs otigral 15:00: Sol: ) 15:00: detina: kto eshe? 15:00: Sol: keizer 15:00: Sol: dm 15:00: Sol: esli pridet 15:00: Sol: silno proigral? 15:00: detina: da 15:00: detina: ) 15:00: detina: 7-2 m1 15:00: detina: i 17-6 chota tyakoe 15:00: detina: rdm1 15:00: Sol: :( 15:00: Sol: on arkadil? 15:00: Sol: na r1 15:00: detina: net on krisa ppc 15:00: Sol: ) 15:00: detina: ya arkadil 15:00: Sol: yasno 15:00: Sol: ladno ya vse ) sps chto smotrel))) 15:00: Sol: mogem 1 15:00: Sol was railed by detina 15:00: Sol: sigrat esli ho 15:00: detina started a vote: timelimit 10 10:00: Sol voted YES. 10:00: Vote passed! 10:00: New timelimit: 10 minutes 10:00: detina is ready! 10:00: Sol: map? 10:00: Sol: tut? 10:00: detina: ili m1? 10:00: Sol: kak ho 10:00: Waiting on Sol 10:00: detina: go tut poh 0:16: Sol is ready! 0:16: Match Settings: Game mode: Team Deathmatch Timelimit: 10 minutes Overtime: 5 minutes Removed weapons: Removed powerups: quad invul ps powerscreen silencer rebreather envirosuit 'Vyrai' skin: male/grunt 'Moterys' skin: female/athena Weapon switch: normal Teleporter mode: normal Gameplay bugs: all gameplay bugs fixed 1v1 Respawn mode: avoid closest (bugged) 0:16: All players ready! Starting countdown (15 secs)... 0:14: Sol: gl hf 0:06: 5 0:05: 4 0:04: 3 0:03: 2 0:02: 1 10:01: Your join code for this match is 71984 10:01: Fight! 9:49: Out of item: Machinegun 9:42: Out of item: Machinegun 9:10: Out of item: Machinegun 9:00: detina was cut in half by Sol's chaingun 8:56: detina: ) 8:48: Out of item: Machinegun 8:47: detina: ) 8:22: Out of item: Machinegun 8:22: No Bullets for Chaingun. 8:15: Out of item: Machinegun 8:04: Out of item: Machinegun 7:29: Out of item: railgun 7:20: Out of item: Machinegun 7:04: Out of item: Machinegun 5:21: Out of item: Machinegun 5:06: detina ate Sol's rocket 4:56: Sol was railed by detina 4:32: detina almost dodged Sol's rocket 4:13: Sol almost dodged detina's rocket 4:08: Sol ate detina's rocket 3:56: Out of item: shotgun 3:33: Out of item: rocket launcher 3:31: Sol was railed by detina 2:10: Sol was cut in half by detina's chaingun 1:40: Sol was railed by detina 1:12: Out of item: Machinegun 1:09: Sol ate detina's rocket 1:09: detina blew himself up. 1:05: detina: ) 1:00: 1 minute remaining. 0:57: Out of item: Machinegun 0:57: Out of item: Chaingun 0:50: detina almost dodged Sol's rocket 0:50: detina: ) 0:50: detina: ) 0:41: Out of item: Machinegun 0:41: Out of item: Chaingun 0:41: Out of item: Machinegun 0:33: Out of item: Machinegun 0:28: No Rockets for Rocket Launcher. 0:23: No Rockets for Rocket Launcher. 0:00: Stats for Sol: Item | Acc. Kills Deaths Dealt Recvd Pick Miss -----------------+---------------------------------------- Blaster | - - - - - 0 0 Super Shotgun | 67% 0 0 66 36 9 8 Chaingun | 16% 1 1 1206 420 11 6 Grenades | 0% 0 - 0 - 0 0 Grenade Launcher | 20% 0 - 103 - 4 5 Rocket Launcher | 13% 3 3 815 905 14 3 Railgun | 20% 0 3 900 1900 4 8 Body Armor | - - - - - 10 12 Combat Armor | - - - - - 15 20 Jacket Armor | - - - - - 7 2 Adrenaline | - - - - - 2 1 Ammo Pack | - - - - - 1 2 MegaHealth | - - - - - 5 4 0:00: Total | Kills Dths Sui TKs Tele Dealt Recvd TDealt TRecvd -------+-------------------------------------------------- Player | 4 7 0 0 0 3090 3261 0 0 0:00: Timelimit hit. Match ended. 0:00: detina wins, 6 to 4. 0:00: Sol: gg 0:00: Sol: ) 0:00: detina: gg 0:00: Please report any bugs at www.opentdm.net. 10:00: detina: che ya tak tuplu postoyanno 10:00: detina: ne beru z3 10:00: Sol: )) 10:00: detina: protiv nikogo 10:00: detina: vzal r1 10:00: detina: nahuya) 10:00: Sol: )) 10:00: Sol: hotel viigrat 10:00: Sol: nado home map 10:00: Sol: vrode 10:00: Sol: i ee vsegda igrat 10:00: Sol: a u tebya netu ) 10:00: Sol: ladno ya vse 10:00: Sol: cya 10:00: Sol: :) 10:00: detina: ok